Sistema de Autorregulación
Self-Regulation System
What it is
The self-regulation system of the pharmaceutical industry constitutes a voluntary response of the pharmaceutical companies to the demands of their stakeholders and society as a whole to establish criteria and standards of conduct that guarantee the trust and credibility in the promotion of medicines and the interactions of the pharmaceutical industry.
Through this self-regulation system, embodied in the Code of Practice, and the control mechanisms that ensure compliance with them, industry secures the alignment of its behaviour with the national and international legal framework and guarantees that the promotion of medicines and the interactions with healthcare professionals, healthcare organisations and patient organisations are developed under the strictest ethical principles of professionalism and responsibility.
The self-regulation system of the pharmaceutical companies is based on five fundamental principles: legality, responsibility, commitment, transparency and prevention.
The pharmaceutical industry understands that only with responsible behaviour is the sustainability of company projects ensured and society’s trust won, in a sector that is also especially sensitive due to its contribution to the health of citizens and its field of activity.